Culture, conveyed from one generation to another, defines the identity of a
society and distinguishes it from other societies. Nostrand defines culture as the
"ground of meaning", the codes of behavior and characteristics of a society. Brooks
defines culture as “the sum of all the learned and shared elements that characterize
a societal group.” “Language is a vital constituent of culture”. Robinett concurs with
the view that culture and language cannot be separated.
Как цитировать
Bozorboyeva, S. (2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF CULTURE IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. FILOLOGIYA UFQLARI JURNALI, 7(7). извлечено от https://history.jdpu.uz/index.php/hp/article/view/4757
Sanobar Bozorboyeva
Bukhara state university
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